How To Use Proportioners
We have a very easy guide on using soft wash proportioners. This should help you get going quickly. This guide is meant to be a starting point. The percentage of SH you use, along with how old it is will be your variables.
Monsoon 1/2" Proportioners:
All numbers are the dial on the valve, not the overall mix.
Standard House/Siding Mix
- Water 5, SH 2, Soap 1
Roof Mix
- Water 5, SH 3.5, Soap 1
Hurricane 1/2" Proportioners
All numbers are the dial on the valve, not the overall mix.
Standard House/Siding Mix
- Water 180, SH 50, Soap 20
Roof Mix
- Water 180, SH 70, Soap 25
Cyclone Proportioners
All numbers are the dial on the valve, not the overall mix.
Standard House/Siding Mix
- Water 180, SH 50, Soap 20
Roof Mix
- Water 180, SH 70, Soap 25
How to Flush Proportioners - Youtube Video